
Introducing The PLM Ecosystem Atlas

Introducing The PLM Ecosystem Atlas The most frequent questions I hear about the recently announced Product Lifecycle Management Ecosystem Atlas – “The PLM Atlas” – are what exactly is it, what prompted its creation as a project of PLM Alliances, and what are the real-world uses for it. The PLM Atlas was created to provide... Continue Reading →

What Happened to the PLM VAR Channel?

What Happened to the PLM VAR Channel? It’s no secret that performing as a channel partner or Valued-Added Reseller (VAR) in PLM software solution markets (e.g. PDM, CAD, CAE, CAM, MBSE, CM, DMfg, etc.) is challenging enough during the best economic conditions. It’s even more difficult during a recession, if not nearly impossible in a... Continue Reading →

PLM Green Global Alliance is Launched

January 15, 2020 (Netherlands, Norway, United States) – The launch of and participation in a new international collaboration, the PLM Green Global Alliance (“PGGA”), has been announced by Richard McFall from PLM Alliances, Jos Voskuil from TacIT, Oleg Shilovitsky from Beyond PLM, and Bjorn Fidjeland from plmPartner. The coalition was founded with the mission to... Continue Reading →

PLM Green Announcement

Announcing the PLM Green Alliance The mission of the new PLM Green Alliance is to create global connection, communication, and community between professionals who use, develop, market, or support Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) related technologies and software solutions that have value in addressing the causes and consequences of climate change due to human-generated greenhouse gas... Continue Reading →

State of PLM Partnerships 2019

As the new business year begins, are partnerships, alliances, and channels in engineering software markets (e.g. PLM, CAD, CAE, PDM, CM, PPM, CAM, AM, DMfg, EDA, etc.) becoming more important, less important, the same importance, or difficult to really know? Tell us what you think in this anonymous one-question PLM Alliances State of Partnerships 2019... Continue Reading →

Myth-Stakes of Partner Building 107

Myth-Stakes of Partner Building 107: Independent PLM software providers expecting that selling through an indirect reseller channel will take less time, skill, or investment than with a direct sales strategy. Over the years I have spoken with a variety of managers at new and old, small and large  software providers across the many solution market... Continue Reading →

State of PLM Partnerships, Alliances & Channels 2018

State of PLM Channels, Alliances & Partnerships "Are PLM channels healthy and growing, or are they challenged and failing?" "Are PLM partnerships and alliances becoming more common and valuable, or are they increasingly an energy-sapping distraction that rarely produces as promised?" "Should resellers and consulting service providers seek more partnerships with different solution providers, or... Continue Reading →

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